Greeting Cards from Buc~A~Buc Farm

Monday, March 2, 2020

I have well and truly crossed the line into chicken insanity.

Since my no account so called rooster is so unsuccessful at breeding his hens, I have in desperation resorted to using AI.  Which involves collecting sperm from him and depositing it to the hens manually.  I can't believe I just typed this much less have attempted.  I'll let you know how it goes.  I may need some type of therapy after this.  I know the rooster will.


  1. Why don't you just turn him into soup and get a better one? It will definetly save you the trauma xD

  2. I would if I could replace him. He's quite a nice bird and difficult to replace his level of quality. The GOOD news is I saw some "action" yesterday so have high hopes he's coming around. LOL! Last year I got a whopping TWO fertile eggs from my Buff Orpingtons. This year needs to be better. :)
